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STEP 1:Project

STEP 2:Contract

STEP 3:Metrics

STEP 4:Enablers

STEP 1:Project

STEP 2:Contract

STEP 3:Metrics

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Administration (demonstration)

This BIM Value Benchmarking tool will help you identify those benefits that are most important to you, how to achieve them and how to measure your progress towards those goals.

This BIM Value Benchmarking tool will help you identify those benefits that are most important to you, how to achieve them and how to measure your progress towards those goals.

This BIM Value Benchmarking tool will help you identify those benefits that are most important to you, how to achieve them and how to measure your progress towards those goals.

This BIM Value Benchmarking tool will help you identify those benefits that are most important to you, how to achieve them and how to measure your progress towards those goals.

Before using BIM Value Benchmarking demonstration, please download the Demonstration Guide here: Demonstration Guide